Community, School and Business Training

As a group, we are passionate about helping those in our local community.

This is not limited to 999 response and we are definitely of the belief that core skills such as CPR and first aid should be something everyone knows.

Shockingly, a recent survey showed that over 40% of the general public have never received any training in CPR or the use of a defibrillator.

Because of this, we offer a range of training packages, freely available to all local businesses, schools, colleges, community hubs and local interest groups. These sessions can include:

  • CPR and what to do in an emergency
  • Safe use of a defibrillator
  • Management of unconscious patients
  • General first aid including bandaging wounds and treating medical emergencies

All we ask in return is that you consider a donation to our scheme to allow us to keep funding the work we do in our community.